As of November 10th, 2009, the ongoing Mahamudra Ocean Certainty transmission being given by Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa has now reached Teaching Chapter 26 and Meditation Chapter 23 from the original text. All Sangha participating are diligently learning and practicing each method one by one as the teachings are received. Some of the shiney (Shamata) methods involve techniques including using objects like a small piece of wood, four finger widths in length, or small pebble, as a visual focal point for improving concentration. Another concentration practice, an instruction originally given by Lord Gampopa, has students focusing on a candle flame two finger widths high. Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa transmits each step of each meditation practice and then walks students through a guided session of each practice supported by the limitless blessing of his enlightened wisdom and clarity.