Each year various natural disasters and man-made disasters happen on this planet. All human beings have a responsibility for the causes and conditions connected with these disasters. Recently many such events have occurred in various parts of the world including a very serious earthquake in Kyegudo, Yushue. In order to relieve the suffering of those who have lost their lives, and of those who are now recovering from the physical suffering of injuries and the mental pain of losing loved ones, of lost houses, monasteries and belongings, and also for the prevention of future natural disasters and man-made disasters, humankind must join hands together around the globe as one great family and make the sincere aspiration for a better relationship with the natural environment. Sincere, pure motivation with limitless dedication is the most effective spiritual means to have an impact on many levels. For that reason, on April 22, 2010 Chamgon Dorje Chang Kenting Tai Situpa gave the Red Vajra Crown blessing followed by the Vajra Sattva Jangchog Puja in the Palpung Sherabling Monastic Seat courtyard. This ceremony was dedicated for all those who lost their lives, most especially those harmed by recent natural disasters around the world and specifically those in Kyegudo, Yushue. At the end of the day Kenting Tai Situpa gave the Empowerment of Vajrasattva as part of the ten-day Drupchen puja, during which Vajrasattva blessing pills were distributed. This initiation was dedicated to the purification of all negativities from the entire world and to bring about peace and harmony. On this day 800 ordained Sangha of Palpung Sherabling, 100’s of International disciples and Mahamudra practitioners with 100’s more lay devotees participated in this auspicious ceremony.