Rani Jethmalani, the notable Supreme Court lawyer and daughter of former Union law minister Sri Ram Jethmalani, died of prolonged illness in Mumbai on the morning of Saturday December 31, 2011. On 21st January, 2012 many of her close friends arranged a prayer gathering at Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Delhi and were joined by many great masters. Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa and his Lamas were there and performed prayers dedicated to the late lawyer. Rani Jethmalani always had a very strong respect and support for the activities of Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa. Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa mentioned to the gathering that she was a kind, mature and dedicated person. He said her destination should be a divine one but that everyone should dedicate all sincere and pure thoughts for her to fulfill her divine aspirations. What dies is only our body. Our ultimate essence is immortal. We are always together in essence.