The present 12th Kenting Tai Situpa usually teaches in English on public occasions. Some of these teachings are collected and published into 9 books till 2007. They are:
Please click the titles to browse brief introductions to the books.
Teachings in this book were given by the 12th Kenting Tai Situpa in Dublin and Brussels during his visit to Europe in 1981.
Maybe for the reason of cultural barriers, Kenting Tai Situpa explained only a rough concept of samsara in these teachings. In Chinese edition which was translated and published by Nectar Magazine in Taiwan, the editor appended an article written by the Master Rhe-Hei to explain The Tibetan wheel of Life in details to enhance readers understanding about samsara.
The last three teachings are in Chinese edition only.
 | Four Seals |
 | Refuge |
 | Bodhichitta |
 | Bodhisattva Vows |
 | The Seven Points of Mind Training of Atisha |
 | Ten Non-Virtuous Actions |
 | A Brief Introduction to Triyana Dharm |
 | The Tibetan Wheel of Life and the Twelve Links |
English Edition:
Kagyu Samye Ling Monastery and Tibetan Centre
http://www.samyeling.org/ (The book is Not Available Now.)
Chinese Edition:
Nectar Magazine, Taiwan, 1997
Tel: 886-7-6217785, 6216477, 6235394
Some Glimpses of His Life
Tilopa was one of the most significant of all Buddhist teachers. He mastered and distilled the teachings of all the Mahasiddhas of 11th century India, achieving enlightenment near the Ganges delta. These moments of his life and teachings, selected by the XII Kenting Tai Situpa from the various traditional hagiographies, have been chosen for their inspirational and teaching content.
As one of the four present Patriarchs of the Kagyu tradition, which stems from Tilopa, the Kenting Tai Situpa is able to convey great insight into the vivid biographical fragments that have been carefully handed down through time and geographical space.
English Edition:
Kagyu Samye Ling Monastery and Tibetan Centre
Dzalendara Publishing
1988: ISBN 0-906181-10-0: 136
Chinese Edition:
Not Available Now.
Relative World, Ultimate Mind
The wisdom of Mahayana Buddhism reveals ways to experience and utilize the powers of the universe. The Buddha taught about ten aspects of knowledge - normal worldly activities through which the ordinary person could achieve understanding and realization.
In Relative World, Ultimate Mind, the Kenting Tai Situpa describes these activities, which encompass medicine, psychology, astrology and the creative arts, and explains how they can become an essential part of anyone's spiritual path. Using examples from Buddhist teachings as well as everyday life, the author shows how the first nine aspects of knowledge cover all avenues of 'right livelihood', leading to the tenth and most advanced aspect of knowledge, inner truth.
 | Preface |
 | Creativity |
 | Healing of Body |
 | Healing of Mind |
 | Language |
 | Poetry |
 | Performance |
 | Astronomy |
 | Geography |
 | The Science of Truth |
 | Inner Truth |
English Edition:
Penguin Books India
1999: ISBN: 0140293035
Chinese Edition:
Taipei Kagyu School, Taiwan, 1996
Tel: 886-2-27082548
Awakening the Sleeping Buddha
Reviews of Awakening the Sleeping Buddha
"This book is an attempt by a renowned Tibetan teacher, the Abbot of Sherab Ling Monastery in northern India, to define systematically and efficiently the most important concepts of Buddhism. In simple prose, the Twelfth Tai Situpa explains and clarifies foundational concepts, from Buddha nature, karma and enlightenment to tantra, emptiness and reincarnation."—Publishers Weekly
Description of Awakening the Sleeping Buddha
The most basic, clear principles of Tibetan Buddhism are here lucidly presented by a renowned modern teacher and monk. Tai Situpa illuminates Buddhist teachings in commonsense terms, using down-to-earth examples—making this a perfect handbook for beginners as well as an excellent companion for long-time students.
 | Preface |
 | Buddha Nature |
 | Reincarnation and Karma |
 | Emptiness |
 | The Science of Tantra |
 | Transformation |
 | Enlightenment |
 | Mahamudra |
English Edition:
Shambhala Publications
1996: ISBN: 1-57062-185-3
Chinese Edition:
Wisdom Eyes Publish
Tel: 886-2-22145657 Fax: 886-2-22143686
1999: ISBN: 957-98030-0-5
Mahamudra Teachings
Introduction by Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
The 12th Kenting Tai Situpa, Pema Dhonyo Nyinche, is one of the main unbroken Golden Rosary Karma Kagyu lineage holders and a heart son the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa, Rangjung Rigpe Dorje. In October 2000, to celebrate the 300th birth anniversary of the Mahapandita Chokyi Jungne, (the 8th Kenting Tai Situpa), the 12th Kenting Tai Situpa gave a public teaching over two days on mahamudra, during which he taught in both and English and Tibetan.
In the first half he explains the meaning and source of mahamudra, and mahamudra in terms of ground, path and fruition. In the second half he explains mahamudra from the perspective of practice and the path, covering the four contemplations, ngondro, shamatha, vipashyana and mahamudra meditation. His commentary is based on Mahamudra, Ocean of Certainty by the 9th Gyalwa Karmapa.
This is a profound teaching from a great master who is one of the main holders of the mahamudra lineage, presented from this own realization with simple understandable language, his gentle humour and limitless wisdom and compassion.
Kenting Tai Situpa delivers here an excellent teaching on Mahamudra. In the first half he explains the meaning and source of Mahamudra, and Mahamudra in terms of ground, path and fruition. In the second half he explains Mahamudra from the perspective of practice and the path, covering the four contemplations, Ngondro, shamatha, vipashyana and Mahamudra meditation. His commentary is based on Mahamudra Ocean of Certainty by His Holiness 9th Karmapa. Also included are some explanations of verses from the Third Karmapa's Aspiration Prayer for Mahamudra. This is a profound teaching from a great master who is one of the main holders of the Mahamudra lineage, presented from his own realisation with simple understandable language, his gentle humour and limitless wisdom and compassion.
English Edition:
Zhyisil Chokyi Ghatsal Publications
2001: ISBN: 1-877294-05-5
Chinese Edition:
Not Available Now.
Aspiration Prayer of Mahamudra by HH III Karmapa
Commentary by H.E. Tai Situ Rinpoche
The Third Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje wrote a concise spiritual song summarizing the path of Mahamudra which he called an Aspirational Prayer of Mahamudra. This text is probably the most often quoted text summarizing Mahamudra. Included in the book is a translation of the this prayer and a commentary on the meaning of these verses by the 12th Kenting Tai Situpa.
"The essence and pith of the Lord Buddha's teachings is Mahamudra, which is the jewel of contemplative practice and the profound instruction of the Kagyupa lineage. The Third Karmapa's influence and benefit to the Kagyu lineage is incalculable and one of the many profound texts he composed is the Aspiration Prayer of Mahamudra, which arose from his own realization. The prayer contains the entire path and view of Mahamudra, and its depth and beauty is unveiled in this line by line commentary by the 12th Kenting Tai Situpa ".
from the foreword by Ven. Lama Shedrup.
English Edition:
Zhyisil Chokyi Ghatsal Publications
2001: ISBN: 1-877294-20-9: 134
Chinese Edition:
Not Available Now.
trans. & ed. by Rosemarie Fuchs
Teachings in this book were given by the twelfth Kenting Tai Situpa in Kagyu Benchen Ling, Germany, in 1994.
The Mahamudra prayer by the Third Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje, is a short yet thorough and profound text which presents all the essential points of Mahamudra teaching in terms of view, practice and fruition. It is a classic that, especially in the tradition of the Karma Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism, has been and is widely used whenever a disciple is given a first introduction into Mahamudra.
The Third Karmapa shows how to recognize our ultimate potential as a buddha. The short root texts is further explained by Kenting Tai Situpa, Pema Donyo Nyingje Wangpo, the twelfth incarnation of the Kenting Tai Situpa lineage, which is one of the most important lineages of the Kagyu tradition. His deep understanding of Western culture, especially of the Western psychological perspective, allows him to expound the Dharma with a clarity and directness that is truly inspiring.
"Mahamudra is the ultimate nature of mind--the Third Karmapa's Mahamudra Prayer is both an aspiration that all sentient beings realize the mind's true nature, as well as a clear, concise, and complete explanation of how we can do so. In this book, the brilliant master Tai Situ Rinpoche explains the Mahamudra Prayer to the modern audience directly in English, in a way that is both profound and easy for everyone to understand. Such teachings are priceless, and all who aspire to realize the luminous clarity that is the basic nature of mind would benefit greatly from reading this book."
--Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche
"H.E. Tai Situ Rinpoche's commentary brilliantly brings to life the ancient wisdom of the Mahamudra lineage with precision, clarity, and directness. All levels of meditation practitioners will greatly benefit from reading this wonderful book."
--Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche
"I am sincerely grateful for Rosemarie Fuchs for her great assistance in translating and editing this teaching and to Snow Lion Publications for making this teaching available to benefit many beings."
--Thrangu Rinpoche
 | Preliminary Remarks |
|  | Definition of Mahamudra |
|  | The Sources of Mahamudra Teachings |
|  | Lineage |
|  | Concerning the Table of Contents |
 | Part One: Homage and Aspiration |
 | Part Two: The Supplications |
|  | I. General supplication for the attainment of great liberation |
|  | II. Specila supplications |
| |  | The conditions necessary to follow the path |
| |  | The wisdom necessary to comprehend the depth of the path |
| |  | The correct unmistaken path |
| |  | The practice of the path |
| |  | Fruition |
 | Part Three: Deducation |
 | Concluding Remarks |
 | Questions and Answers |
 | Dedicating the Merit |
 | Appendix |
|  | Mahamudra |
|  | The Five Buddha Families |
 | Glossary |
 | Translator's Dedication |
English Edition:
Snow Lion Publications
2002: ISBN: 1559391693
Chinese Edition:
Palpung Sherabling Monastic Seat
Wisdom Eyes Publish
Tel: 886-2-22145657 Fax: 886-2-22143686
2006: ISBN: 978-957-98030-7-2
Ground, Path & Fruition
The main part of teachings in this book were given by the twelfth Kenting Tai Situpa in Delhi, India, in the end 2003 to the beginning of 2004.
An extraordinary teaching in which Kenting Tai Situpa covers the foundation of dharma, how to understand the dharma, its history, how it was brought to Tibet, the main philosophical schools (including Rangtong and Shentong), logic, precepts, Chenrezig practice, Lojong, Shamatha and Vipashyana Meditation and Mahamudra.
"Great teachers of this time, such as His Eminence Tai Situ Rinpoche, have the ability to explain the essential points of the dharma and help those on the path to understand the teachings."
--Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
"A few missing pieces of the puzzle" is how the 12th Kenting Tai Situpa described the teachings in this book. Based on his personal notes and compositions, Kenting Tai Situpa explains both complex and practical aspects of the Buddha's teachings. In his own entertaining and informative style he covers such diverse topics as Refuge, the Chenrezig practice, Meditation, the History of Buddhism, its philosophical schools and Mahamudra.
As is the custom in Tibetan monasteries, when he was a young man Rinpoche went through a period of intense study and practice in which he was introduced by his teachers to many different aspects of Buddhism. During this time he took notes and composed poems describing what he was learning. Now, a quarter of a century later, he revisits these compositions bringing to them new insights garnered from years of experience.
As a main custodian of the Kagyu lineage he is able to share with us the living tradition he received "with devotion" from some of the greatest Buddhist teachers of the last century. In this book he seamlessly blends this ancient tradition with a modern, practical sensibility and a rich sense of humor.
 | Chapter 1 |
|  | Introduction |
|  | Understanding the Dharma |
|  | Devotion |
 | Chapter 2 |
|  | The History of Indian Buddhism |
|  | How Buddhism was Brought to Tibet |
 | Chapter 3 |
|  | Buddhist Philosophy |
|  | Prajnaparamita |
|  | Rangtong and Shentong |
|  | Madhyamaka |
|  | Pramana |
 | Chapter 4 |
|  | Buddhist Practice |
|  | Refuge |
|  | Precepts |
|  | Avalokiteshvara (Chenrezig) Practice |
 | Chapter 5 |
|  | The Seven Points of Mind Training |
 | Chapter 6 |
|  | Meditation |
|  | Shamatha |
 | Chapter 7 |
|  | The Five Skandhas |
 | Chapter 8 |
|  | The Four Noble TRuths |
 | Chapter 9 |
|  | Vipashyana (Insight) Meditation |
 | Chapter 10 |
|  | Mahamudra |
 | Conclusion |
 | Dedication |
 | Appendix |
|  | The Buddhist Schools |
|  | The Six Realms of Samsara |
|  | The Five Paths |
|  | The Bodhisattva Levels |
|  | Transforming Consciousness into Wisdom |
|  | The Fifty-one Mental Factors |
|  | Notes |
|  | Glossary of Terms |
|  | Index |
English Edition:
Zhyisil Chokyi Ghatsal Publications
2005: ISBN: 1-877294-35-7
Chinese Edition:
Palpung Sherabling Monastic Seat
Wisdom Eyes Publish
Tel: 886-2-22145657 Fax: 886-2-22143686
2006: ISBN: 978-957-98030-8-0
 | PALPUNG SHERABLING MONASTIC SEAT, All rights Reserved. Please, when using any picture from this website, give source as - http://www.palpung.org. |