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92110/8/2007Mandala offering to H.E. Sangey Nyenpa Rinpoche for his conclusion of Kagyu Ngag Zod and Dam Ngag Zod oral transmission.Page
92210/1/2007Transmissions and Empowerments of Kagyu Ngakzod and Dam Ngakzod of the Five Treasures - Shangpa Kagyu lineage and Shije (Chö) Lineage Page
9239/26/20079/26, 2007 the 12th Kenting Tai Situpa attended the long life prayer and offering made for H.H. the 17th Gyalwang KarmapaPage
9248/22/2007H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama visited the Kamtsang Thubten Woeser Rabgye Ling Nunnery at Nago KinnaurPage
9258/22/2007Kenting Tai Situpa gives Certificates of Honour to the Best Grade StudentsPage
9268/21/2007Kenting Tai Situpa & H.E. Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche have an audience with H.H. KarmapaPage
9278/20/2007Kenting Tai Situpa fulfilled his four and half month retreatPage
9288/19/2007H.E. the 10th Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche arrived at Palpung Sherabling for giving oral transmissions of Kagyu Ngakzod and Dam Ngakzod of the Five TreasuresPage
9298/9/2007 - 8/19/2007Secret Red Avalokitashavara PracticePage
9308/18/2007Daily Time Table During the Empowerment of Kagyu Ngakzod and Dam Ngakzod of the Five TreasuresPage
9317/18/2007Celebrated auspicious day of the four noble truths at Palpung Lungrig Jampal Ling InstitutePage
9327/11/2007 - 7/13/2007A Free Eye-Camp organized by Palpung Munishasan Dharmachakra SanghPage
9336/26/2007The 22nd Birthday ceremony of His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa Orgyen Trinley DorjePage

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